Matthew Carbonello

Matt Carbonello is 24 years old; he was born on November 14, 1994 in Beverly, MA. He lived in Middleton, MA until he was four years old then moved to Windham, NH where he attended school and played soccer, baseball, hockey, and basketball. Matt was a promising high school pitcher and seriously considered playing college baseball with dreams of becoming a pro. But unfortunately, Matt hurt his shoulder, tearing his labrum which required surgery and over a year of therapy.

Matt tried numerous times to make a comeback, but he was never quite the same. Although this experience was painful physically and emotionally, he focused his energies in music. Matt played in the high school elite jazz ensemble, took courses in music theory, and sang and danced in Phantom of the Opera. He also took guitar and singing lessons. In high school he formed a band. He went on to college at UNH, majored in Environmental Science, and played music at parties where his group was always in high demand. Unfortunately, the band members went their separate ways, but Matt kept playing and writing song after song. To his credit, he has written over 100 original songs. Matt soon found out that a career in science was not for him. Rather, he decided to pursue a BA in music and follow his dream to write and perform music. He plays at Open "Mics" in the Boston Metropolitan Area where he often hosts these events. He is often compared to rock legends like Jim Morrison of the Doors and Neil Young. Matt loves people. What is every bit as appealing as his music and stage presence, are the relationships he forms with everyone he meets. Matt thoroughly enjoys talking to other artists about technique, music influences, theory, arrangements and just about anything to do with performing. His warm and humble personality along with his talent makes him welcome at any event. Many performers follow their dream because it’s a passion. Matt does it, because it is a calling.

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