Willow Carter

Hello. My name is Willow Carter. I am a performer. I love to sing, play piano, write poetry, draft stories and make music with my Dad. I do not remember the first time I started to sing, all I remember is singing every day I have in my memory. At the moment, I am learning how to play piano and a little ukulele. For as long as I can remember I have been making videos and recordings of songs with my Dad. It gives me great joy and pride to be learning my passions alongside my dad. He always has been a huge support for my music as well as my Mom. I have a very supportive family when it comes to music. Recently, I have taken an interest in theatre, and my parents have been alongside with me for that too! One last fact; a little while ago, I won a slam poetry contest in Conway. All in all, music is my lifestyle and I plan on pursing it.

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