Ty Bryce Thomas

Ty Bryce is 9 years old and is a very talented kid that is excited for the opportunity to be discovered. He sings, raps, dances, and acts and is very outgoing and friendly. He is a natural comedian and very intelligent when it comes to electronics, technology and the arts. He is a great student and goes to church regularly at his dad's church in Arkansas.

He has danced at many of the live shows that his family ministry of Rapid Fire does, and he also has entered some dance competitions and made videos for YouTube. He went to Disney World and won a dance competition that night and it wasn't even planned! He just got out there and people flocked to him and he won the competition. He just needs an opportunity to show what he can do.Ty Bryce enjoys video games, making his own videos as Spiderman, jumping on the trampoline, and watching movies and going to Church. He is also very funny and has a great personality and is the life of the party! His robotic dancing is amazing as he glides, slides, and pops to the beat like a seasoned vet.

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