Trudy Gechter

Trudy has loved to perform for as long as she can remember. Her first stage was around her house singing and dancing to any music that was on whether it was Singin’ In The Rain, Annie or the Nutcracker to name just a few. Trudy has always been a person whose soul soars when she is singing, dancing or acting.

Trudy’s first “official” stage experience, at age three, started when she danced in her ballet studio’s annual recital. She loved to dance and there were many recitals to follow; it was always clear how much she loved being on stage. However, it was not until the age of eight, after being cast in the ensemble of her first show that musical theater became her passion. In the past three years, Trudy has been cast in nine productions in various community theaters around Metro Detroit. She has also had the privilege to work behind the scenes as a tech-kid on make-up, run crew, costumes and set design for youth theater productions.

Trudy is a young lady with many interests. When not performing, she can be found skateboarding, tapping, drumming, playing her ukulele, biking, drawing and hanging out with her friends. She also loves to spend her summers at camp and relax on the beach.

Trudy’s number one goal is to someday make it to Broadway. She always gives 100% which will help guide her to her goal of realizing her dreams.

Voting Instructions 

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