Tianna Dailey

Tia Dailey is an 18 year old who has found a love for arts since she was born. Always finding a way to use music to make life fuller. Being in an A Capella group and Choir and Theatre has always helped. Dancing was her first journey and it led to her becoming a triple threat. She has a love for soulful music, R&B, Pop, Country, Alternative, and even more. With music its everything. To help anyone get through the tough times in their life. Its a beautiful thing for a beautiful person.

Voting Instructions  

Please provide your email address so we can keep track of all votes. Only one (1) vote PER EMAIL will count.  

Finally, share your thoughts with the artist below! Wish them luck, tell them how much you loved their performance, or even share future song suggestions!

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*Please note that this is an Ethan Bortnick Concert and the Contestants will be presented via Video presentation. The winner(s) of this event will perform Live at the end of the night.