Sofia Montalvo

Hi! My name is Sofia. I am 10 years old and love to sing. I was inspired to sing from my sister, Faith, singing in our room. She sounded good and I wanted to do it too. My singing has brought me so far in my life. I won my school talent show last year singing a song I wrote called “In Heaven”. I also achieved a 1+ on my solo 2 years ago. I was so excited when I learned I got into the Celebration of Music. I tried out because I want to make my dream bigger and turn it into a reality. My ultimate goal is to inspire people to pursue their goals, even if it means taking chances. If you have a musical talent, then I encourage you to take part in the Celebration of Music! It is a rare opportunity that you should take advantage of. Please vote for me! Thank you in advance.

Voting Instructions  

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*This email may also be used to notify you of news and upcoming events featuring this contestant, as well as offer exclusive behind-the-scenes information about their journey!