Lauren Drexel

Lauren Drexel is 12 years old and lives in Columbus, Ohio where she attends and is a cheerleader at Hilliard Memorial Middle School. Since four years of age she has been singing and studying dance, most recently with The BalletMet (ballet, tap, jazz). She loves musical theater and has performed locally as a Lost Boy, Peter Pan; Amaryllis, The Music Man; Tessie, Annie; Marta, The Sound Of Music; Chip, Beauty And The Beast; and Dorothy, The Wizard Of Oz. She also has competed in Hilliard Idol and Columbus, Voice Of The City. Her dream is to emulate Julie Andrews and someday be on broadway. Her favorite musicals are Mary Poppins and The Sound Of Music.

She is thankful to her family and friends for supporting her and for her teachers/directors for helping her along the way to pursue her love of musical theater.

She is thrilled to be a part of The Celebration Of Music with Ethan Bortnick.

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