Dartmouth Subtleties

Established in 1998, The Subtleties is one of Dartmouth College’s premier female-identifying a cappella groups. The Subtleties bring a unique flair, style, and vocal prowess to their instrument-free performances. A strong community of Dartmouth women and vocalists, the Subtleties share a commitment to empowering their communities and each other through music and friendship. Covering songs from Rihanna, Adele, Stevie Nicks, and Shawn Mendes, the Subtleties have dominated stages all over the United States with their dynamic arrangements, vocal technique, and exciting choreography. Throughout four years in the group, members grow as ensemble and solo vocalists; learn how to read, learn, perform, and arrange a cappella music as well as beat box; take on and grow in a variety of leadership roles; and participate in a tight-knit community that celebrates each other’s differences. We believe that music has the special and powerful ability to bridge differences, create community, and inspire.

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