Charley Wasson

Charley Wasson is 13 years old and lives in Springfield, MO. Charley knew at a young age she loved to sing, and at just three years old, she took her first class at Springfield Little Theatre, and hasn’t left since! Over the years Charley has been involved in over 17 productions at Springfield Little Theatre. Performing has given Charley the opportunity to share live musical theatre with hundreds of people and bring countless stories alive on stage through acting, singing, and dance. Charley is also a member of Springfield Little Theatre’s local performance troupe and takes jazz, hip hop, ballet, tap, acting, and private vocal lessons. Springfield Little Theatre is Charley’s home away from home. They have given her a place to grow and pursue her passion.

In addition to her training at Springfield Little Theatre, Charley travels to New York City twice a year where she attends Broadway Artists Alliance. She has had the opportunity to personally work with Broadway Stars and continues to make strides toward to her ultimate dream…..performing on Broadway. When Charley is not training, she enjoys traveling with her family, swimming, playing outside, making slime, shopping, and of course perusing YouTube for the next best audition song.

Charley would like to thank her parents for always supporting her and her sister for being her biggest fan. She would also like to thank all of her instructors and vocal coaches for paving the way. Each and everyone of them have encouraged her to follow her dreams and pushed her to be the very best version of herself. Finally, she would like to thank Celebration of Music for giving her the opportunity to share her passion with others.

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