Archana Kulkarni

Archana Kulkarni , known by name Archie , is a rising junior in high School at West Chester , Pennsylvania. She is very involved in her community’s music program- in and out of school. She is very strong in her vocal skills .At school, she participates enthusiastically in the select Concert Choir , Acapella club, school’s musical( which is "42nd Street" this year) , plays the violin in the school orchestra and school district’s orchestra program called Senior Strings. She is also the Vice President of her school’s chapter of Tri-M, the National Music Honor Society. In Tri-M, the members take initiative to help the community through music. In addition to the school-affiliated music programs, Archie has been participating in Kennett Symphony Women’s Choir called Bel Canto for the past 3 years. Bel Canto had the honor of performing at the State PMEA Conference this past April. Archie has also been taking private voice lessons for the past 6 years, which helped her to perform as a soloist at winner circle at Carnegie Hall as a runner up in the prestigious American Protégé competition. She has been taking private violin lessons for the past 10 years from well known teachers in the area . Besides music, Archie is also involved in other programs at school such as being the editing staff of the school’s literary magazine, Calliope’s, member of the the Physics Olympics team, and as a class officer of Student Council. Outside of school, Archie is involved as a volunteer of a non profit organization called the Shakti Foundation and has earned Presidential Gold award many years in a row. She also has been volunteering as a counselor at Camp Geronimo, a summer camp for children with disabilities for the past 4 years and helps kids in their music therapy apart from many other activities. She loves to travel , and learn different types of music . She loves to hangout with friends during her spare time.

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