Alexis Gearty

Alexis Gearty is a 14 year old girl from Troy, Michigan. She is a freshman at Troy High School. She has been in several musicals and musical theatre showcases since 6th grade when she found such a love for theater. Her favorite role she has ever played was Belle in Beauty and the Beast at Troy High in March of this year. She received this lead as a freshman. Alexis has recently been accepted into Interlochen Arts Camp for the second year in a row. Alexis enjoys singing at various events in-school, with the choir, and outside of school. She sings at weddings, parties, and with the band at Kensington Church in their youth group. Alexis has appeared on television singing the National Anthem for the DEA Maltz Challenge at the Lions Training facility the last two years. She has also sung at the FBI Citizen’s Academy graduation. In her spare time she enjoys writing music, lyrics, and playing various instruments. She has wrote and recorded her own songs. Alexis also enjoys competing in forensics with her multiple team at school. Alexis has been in Girl Scouts since kindergarten when she started as a Daisy. She has sold over 6,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the last 3 years.

Voting Instructions 

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