Alana Grable

Alana Grable is a fun loving pianist based in Riverside, California. Alana is a junior in high school and has been passionate about playing piano since early childhood. At the age of 3 Alana enjoyed sitting with other players and took every opportunity available to try her hands on the keys. Alana began receiving piano lessons at age 7 and continues to the present.

Over the past year and a half has Alana has experienced significant growth in her abilities as a pianist and musician. During the summer of 2016 Alana participated in a music camp at La Sierra University where she realized a greater potential that she has as a pianist. In the Fall of 2016, Alana began receiving more advanced training from Dr. Alma Batista, her present Instructor. Alana also began participation in the Certificate of Merit program for piano excellence.

Today Alana enjoys playing the piano and also teaching piano to others. When she isn't doing math or biology Alana is studying music and piano or Working her side job as a piano instructor at the Dr. Batista Music Studio. Alana loves to sit at the piano and make music and believes it is a universal language with the power to encourage and lift people up.


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