Thomas Howard

Thomas was a late-bloomer of sorts and was pushed neither musically nor artistically as a child. Instead, at age 14, the aspiring architect and artist, already motivated by the detailed works of Frank Lloyd Wright and Dali, discovered his affinity for classical piano after composing his own vignettes, and taught himself the technique necessary to play etudes, without the help of any teacher—that is, just through sheet music, which he also taught himself how to read, as well as observation. Shortly thereafter he began singing, choosing to emulate vocalists like Christina Aguilera for their dynamic style. Despite becoming a fairly well-rounded musician in his ability to compose and perform, his act will be a kind of singing he believes to be unique in a male singer. At 21, his only instrument will be his voice, and he hopes to take the precision other disciplines have taught him and concentrate it into his 4-octave range, a range he also developed later and by himself.

He shares his multidisciplinary endeavors across his social media, and website,

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