Jackson Snelling

Jackson Snelling is a 17 year old rising star! He is a student at Austin High School and lives with his family in Austin, Indiana. He loves singing, playing the piano, and writing his own music.

Jackson is also autistic. He was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder at a young age. He and his brother were adopted at birth by David and Dacia Snelling.

Jackson recently gained national attention with a song he wrote about the death of his father, and how he has to repeatedly explain to his older brother who is mentally challenged that their father is never coming home. The song's video has reached over 120,000 views.

He won first place in the Kentuckiana Full Contact Karaoke Contest, performed at the Kentucky State Fair, Rauch Center for Special Needs Children and Adults, The Whas 11 Great Day Live Television Program, The One Hundred Black Men of Louisville Association 2019 Derby Gala, and many venues across Louisville, Ky and Southern Indiana.

Jackson believes that music saved his life, and he takes his mission seriously. He is pushing the boundaries of Autism, encouraging people to step up and step out; live your best life !

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