Austin Dienger

Born and raised in the heart of Tallahassee, Austin Dienger is the epitome of a modern-day singer/songwriter that powerfully integrates his passion for music expression with the influences of growing up in the South. Austin’s songs reflect highly customized, unique illustrations full of emotionand blend of eclectic words set in the backdrop of assertive, blue-grass style finger picked guitar riffs. The result: soulful, passionate chords followed up with a true gritty southern twang. Each song written and compiled by Austin generates active engagement of those who listen and captures audiences who have a strong appreciation for creative, inspired lyrics that prompt thoughtfulness. Austin's self-selected style clings to the premise that emotion is best expressed with passion and, in expressing that passion, one will be able to derive their own clarity.

As early as two years old, Austin shared his natural love of music and expression. Picking up any and all instruments he could lay his hands on, Austin was immediately captivated by the audience he could generate as aresult of spontaneously playing a few notes and attaching his own random thoughts into the form of a song. At the age of 9, Austin surpassed his casual play of several different instruments and opted to focus his time, attention, and talents on playing the guitar. Struggling throughout his life with ADHD and depression, music became his outlet that allowed for moments of peace, clarity, and a sense of relief. Primarily self-taught, Austin started writing and performing original music as a solo artist with a guitar at the age of 15. His music was embraced by the local community and recognized as a byproduct of his surroundings. Austin’s journey as a musician over the past 10 years reflects the essence of never giving up on chasing a life-long dream, overcoming the hardships of imbalances and road blocks, and an intense desire to infuse optimism and the joy of self-expression to his audience members who may also need encouragement in the face of similar battles.

Austin continues to be inspired while living life in Tallahassee and has written many lyrics encouraging others to enjoy the splendor in which life offers everyday through the nature witnessed in the beauty of northeast Florida. To support his music passion, Austin works full-time as a chef, expressing his creativity in the preparation of eclectic recipes in an award-winning farm-to-table, local Tallahassee restaurant. While pursuing his music career will always be his priority, Austin will continue to enjoy his cooking career and hopes that one day he may also be able to give back to society by teaching music to youth that may need an outlet to find comfort and healing with the same issues in which he hopes to personally overcome.

Voting Instructions 

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