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Aja & Sophia Schon

Aja & Sophia Schon

Aja and Sophia Schon are Minnesota made sisters. Their life began in Northern California, where bornwere born in San Rafael, California. They moved to their mom’s home state of Minnesota over 10 years ago, and have spent a large part of their lives growing up in southern Minnesota town Waseca and now Minnetonka.

Their love of music began right away, being daughters of a world-class musician and influenced by all of the artists on both sides of their family, it’s no surprise that music defines both of these sisters beautifully. Aja started dancing at the age of three and her younger sister followed right along behind her. Now, at the young ages of 16, and 12, the two of them have captured the attention of some of the best choreographers in the business along with winning a countless list of competition titles nationally and regionally. Asia has two part-time jobs one as a dance teacher and the other at a restaurant.

The sisters dance family at The Dance Warehouse in Chanhassen, Minnesota is homebase for these twowith their director Tracy Standal, their choreographer, Kelly Clement and ballet instructor Stephanie Fellner. While competing with their teams, they also have performed with professional dance companies, Minnesota Dance Theater and Crash Productions. Aja and Sophia are also students in rolledwith the Joffrey school in New York City and the Joffrey Ballet School in Chicago. The sisters also take great pride in their school, Minnetonka (Go Skippers!). They are pushed and challenged academically to achieve their personal high standards of staying ahead of their educational expectationsand have studied to be fluent in Spanish. Aja and Sophia find the time (amazingly!) to be active and engaged with their friends, family and their faith, and are deeply grateful to live a very busy and full life!

Voting Instructions 

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Finally, share your thoughts below! Wish them luck, tell them how much you loved their performance, or even share future song suggestions!

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*This email may also be used to notify you of news and upcoming events featuring this contestant, as well as offer exclusive behind-the-scenes information about their journey!

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* Buy Concert Tickets ($5 Off)

Take $5 off your ticket price by using the promo code: voter